The crazies

I was going to start this entry with how much things have changed in the last year the realized that is not what I want to write about today.

WARNING: the following content is about GIRL stuff!!!!😊 Why is it at nearly 40 years old I still get the crazies sometimes at that time of the month.  It doesn’t happen every time (thank goodness), but every once in awhile the need to buy something, the need to eat all the junk food in sight, the mood swings, the need to write poetry about how grateful I am for my life and family and the need to fall down in a heap and cry my eyes out all happen at once.  It doesn’t matter what vitamins I take, how much sleep I get or how things are going in my day it just all comes on at once.

YES to any men that made it this far into the post, I am admitting that the period crazies are real and you best duck if you get to close with that smirk and I told you so grin or I will wipe the grin right off your face….oh wait!… where are you going, you know I love you baby… Now give me your ice cream and your wallet, I feel the need to shop!!!! Oy vey!!!!

Weekend Getaway

My husband and I were away this weekend on one of our mini getaways.  I won’t bore you with those details 🙂

Saturday night we were in a nice restaurant for supper and I admit I was doing a little people watching.  A young couple walked in, as far as I could see neither one had a wedding ring on but they seemed comfortable together so I am guessing they had been dating for a little while at least.  What I noticed was after they received their salads the man took a bite and then proceeded to spend most of his time staring at his cell phone.  Same went for their meal.  I commented on this to my husband; I found this very disturbing.  If my date spent all his time on his phone I sure would not be wasting my time with him.  I have a no phone, television, reading policy at meal time.  That is a time to connect with the people around you.  Especially, when you are on a date!

My husband said to me, Well, she has a voice, she could speak up.  That is so very true.  So, ladies, if this was you at that restaurant, Speak UP… If the man you are with is rude enough to spend your entire date on his phone, what hope is there in your future relationship… and men, if this is you, put your pnone down and pay attention to that beautiful lady sitting across from you (this goes vice versa too). 

I count myself very lucky to have a husband who notes how important together time is, especially once kids come into the picture.  If you don’t take the time now to spend together, how awckward is it going to be once those children are grown up and gone? 

Book Club – otherwise known as sanity break

I love, love book club. It is so great to get together with a group of women and be able to sit down and discuss a book. We are a small group of six, which is just about right, but we all have such different views on the books we read and have such great conversation.
Not only is book club about reading and discussing books but it is socializing with a diverse group of women without fear of being made fun of or fear of rejection. Also, it is about great food and wine too.
The reason I love my group so much is the ladies that I get together with are not interested in being gossipy or catty, I know guys – you think that’s all we women do.
I never thought I would belong to a book club but as a busy wife and mother it is so nice to get out once every 5 or 6 weeks and have a night that is just about us women. It is the sanity break I look forward to.