The moment

And there it was…  I felt it completely…. That moment of being in the moment, of joy, of stopping and appreciating everything around me.  It was life in slow motion.  In the rush around at seeding time of year it was a breath of fresh air, and you know what, it was not some momentous occasion.  It was just normal everyday life.

I was sitting in the tractor cab while my husband was working on the drill, my father in law was outside talking to little J who had just been dropped off by the bus.  I was watching all of this through the window of the tractor and just felt so truly blessed.  The sun was shining, my family was around me and all was so right in the world at that moment.

The days since have been full as we are still in the field and have a few cows still calving but I keep coming back to that moment.  It is a reminder to me to just enjoy each moment, no matter how busy or stressful it seems.  This is life, so live it… Enjoy it.