I am not a builder

A couple of years ago I bought one of those little greenhouses off of a garage sale site. When I went to pick it up I helped the seller take it down. Since then it has sat in the shed. Last year the snow barely melted before it was time to plant the garden so it never got put up…. So I figure today is the day.
I go out to the shed, pull everything out and look at all the pieces awhile. Hmmmm… Maybe this way, maybe that way…. Hmmmm, go inside, try to find the pics I took when I bought it to refresh my memory as to how it goes, can’t find the picture… Hmmm… In my mind I picture a rectangular structure but there is not a square piece to be found!!! I finally realize it is a hexagon shape!!!
Now, anyone that knows me knows I try hard but I am basically useless when it comes to building pretty much anything, so when hubby comes along and looks at me looking at all these pieces with a confused look on my face, I do give him credit for trying not to laugh.
Luckily, he loves me and when I said I may cry he helped me out.
Hubby to the rescue!!’ Thank goodness… Otherwise I think I would still be out there just looking at all the pieces trying not to cry 🙂

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